The money market can be tapped by the scheduled commercial banks except the regional rural banks, cooperative banks, primary dealers etc. The funds raised are mainly used to address the mismatch of funds. The money market is used for short term loans and trading and that is why the risk factor is very low here with the returns also being vey less. The participants in this market need to maintain a current account with RBI because of the short duration of trading in this market.
Which of the following additive extensively used in baking to improve dough
Sprouting of Onions during storage is inhibited by using
Common organism, which produces enterotoxin, is
Rigid & semi-rigid container are generally sterilized by
Commercial dielectric heater uses frequency in range of …...MHz.( 35-40 )
Eugenol is an anti-microbial agent present in which of the following
Which of the following Ingridents used as Ethylene absorber in active packaging system.
a) Aluminium oxide
b) Calcium oxi... the main milk protein & present in milk in ….form.
Which of the following device is used for storage of charge in pulsed electric field
Most important constituent in fruit for preparing jelly is