The Asian Monetary Units (AMUs) is the common unit of account of ACU and is denominated as ‘ACU Dollar’ and ‘ACU Euro’, which is equivalent in value to one US Dollar and one Euro respectively. All instruments of payments under ACU have to be denominated in AMUs. As the payment channel for processing ‘ACU Euro’ is under review, the operations in ‘ACU Euro’ have been temporarily suspended with effect from July 01, 2016 and accordingly, all eligible current account transactions including trade transactions in “Euro” are permitted to be settled outside the ACU mechanism until further notice.
A distributor ________ electricity from a generator, adds transmission and distribution________, a charge to recover technical losses, operating expens...
Choose the most appropriate word for blank no. (iii)
Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 2.
Which of the following is the synonym/antonym of the word ‘unending’?
Choose the most appropriate word for blank 110.
Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank No. 3.
Which among the following documents, as per the passage, is not included in the scheme for filing by LLP’s?
Find the appropriate word.
Find the appropriate word.
Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.