An equilibrium market price is the price at which there is no tendency for it to change. When price is lower than the equilibrium price, quantity demanded will be greater than quantity supplied . There will be tendency for the price to increase when price is higher than the equilibrium price, quantity supplied will be greater than quantity demanded . There will be a tendency for the price to decrease. Equilibrium market price is attained when the quantity demanded equals quantity supplied, it is sometimes called market clearing price .
(34.03 + 101.98) ÷ 17.211 = 89.9 – 25.23% of ?
? = 49.99² ÷ (1.98⁵ + 8.01 × 89.91) + 75.15% of (263.89 × 49.11)
26.23 × 31.82 + 44.8% of 1200 + ? = 1520
? = 54.89 × 270.08 ÷ 135.17 + 464.35 ÷ 29.03
40.08% of 299.89 = ?% of (11.98 × 10.02) + 5.982
185.92 ÷ 5.98 - (4.002)2 + 114.03 of 5.03 ÷ 18.99 of 6.04 = 5.01 of 2.99 + ? ÷ 12.02
A Sales Executive gets a commission on total sales at 10%. If the sale is exceeded Rs.15,000 he gets an additional commission as a bonus of 5% on the ex...
?3 - (77.98 ÷ 6.09 + 10.12)2 + (2.015 - 11.983)2 = 20.01 × (215.98(2/3) - √36.03)