Bhartiya Mahila Bank was set up under Indian Companies Act, 1956 on 5th August 2013. It was inaugurated by the then Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh on 19th November 2013 at Mumbai. The Headquarter of BMB is situated in Delhi.
The adverse effect of host plant on the insect due to the presence of some toxic substances or absence of required nutritional components is referred a...
Genetic material in tobacco mosaic virus is:
Khapra beetle is pest of
____________is used for measuring percolation and leaching losses from a column of soil under controlled conditions.
Which of the following Indian sheep breed is known for producing superior
quality carpet wool
Which of the following state has received India Agribusiness Awards 2022 in the Best state category for their contribution in the areas of agriculture?
What are the activities of plants shown during severe drought?
Site for protein synthesis is _______
Reproductive phase of fruit plants is improved by the accumulation of _____:
A scheme in which the Centre transfers an amount of Rs 6,000 per year, in three equal installments, directly into the bank accounts of all landholding f...