Vinayak Pai has been named as the managing director of TATA Projects, the company announced. Vinayak Deshpande, who had been in charge of operations for more than 11 years, had been replaced by Pai. Pai has worked with top engineering and EPC firms for more than three decades, holding significant positions on teams that worked on engineering design, technology licencing, project management, business development, and operations.
Fish which spend most of their lives in the sea and migrate to freshwater for breeding
Who developed Hydrogen Bomb?
The example of augmentation cropping is
Among the following, who first used the term Nanotechnology?
When the activity of one gene is suppressed by the activity of a non-allelic gene, it is known as
Proteins which allow corona virus to latch onto host cells and crack them open for infection are:
How much amount of Common salt should be given to the animal to fulfil its mineral requirement?
Large tractors have ……………….. hp power
What should be added to reclaim sodic soils?
Who is the present Agriculture Minister of India?