In the state of Karnataka, a new freshwater crab has been discovered by a wildlife photographer Gopal Krishna Hegde. These crabs live under the small rocks in the western ghats of Karnataka. The name Dwivarna is taken from the Sanskrit word which means two coloured.
If x - √3 y = 8 Find the slope in angle?
If, x - y radic; 3 = 23 and radic; 3x + y = 35
Find the angle between both the lines when they intersect each other.
...I. p2 – 5p + 6 = 0
II. 36q2 = 81
...If in two linear equations ax + by = c and dx + ey = f and a/d = b/e = c/f then, which of the following is true about the two equations?
The ratio of roots of an equation
ax²+bx+b = 0 is p : q
Then find, √p/√q + √q/√p + √p/√q ?
I. 2p2 + 5p + 2 = 0 II. 2q2 + 11 q + 14 = 0
I. p² - 365 = 364
II. q - √ 529 = √ 169
For which value of m, there is no solution to the equation -
a – b = 5
ma – 4b = 1
Find the area between the lines 18x +12y = 108, 9x + 6y = 27, x - axis and y -axis.
If x-y√3 = 15 and √3 x+y = 23
Find the angle between both the lines when they intersect each other?