The Chhattisgarh government, which has set a target to purchase 11 million tonnes of paddy in the current kharif marketing season, will begin procurement at the minimum support price (MSP) from its foundation day on November 1,2022. Chhattisgarh, which is paying Rs 2,500 per quintal to farmers, is the highest contributor of rice to the central pool after Punjab and Telangana. About Chattisgarh Capital: Raipur Chief minister: Bhupesh Baghel Governor: Anusuiya Uikey The minimum support price (MSP) is an agricultural product price, set by the Government of India to purchase directly from the farmer. This is not enforceable by law. By definition, this rate is to safeguard the farmer to a minimum profit for the harvest, if the open market has a lesser price than the cost incurred.
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'अरण्य' का पर्यायवाची है।
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