ICAI’s central council has given approval to the formation of a Self-Regulatory Organisation (SRO) for Social Stock Exchange. It will be set up as a Section 8 company under the Companies Act 2013 under the aegis of ICAI. SRO will be named as “Institute of Social Auditors of India”.
(0.16) -2.5 = ?
(3125) -3/5 = ?
Find the Value of √(-√3+√(3+8√(7+4√3)))?
(1.69) -1.5 = ?
What is least number which when successively divided by 6, 4 and 4 leaves a remainder 5, 3 and 3 respectively?
if 3P=9q=27t and 1/3P+1/6q+1/9t=36/7 , then t = ?
(5⁴) 5 × (25³)³ = ?
(0.64)3/2 = ?
Which among the following is the greatest?
296, 372, 460, 548