RBI has launched the next round of its order books, inventories and capacity utilization survey (OBICUS) of manufacturing companies. The results of the survey provide valuable inputs for monetary policy formulation. The 58th round of the OBICUS is for April – June 2022 period. The information collected in the survey includes data on new orders received during the reference quarter, backlog of orders, pending and total inventories among others.
Which key, when combined with another, is utilized to execute a specific task?
In Excel typical worksheet has …. Number of columns
A byte addressable computer has memory capacity of 2m bytes add confirm 2n operations. An instruction involving 3 operands and operator needs a maximum of?
What is the purpose of Error-Correcting Code (ECC) memory in a computer system?
1000 in binary numbers is used for which number?
Which Excel feature allows you to group and summarize large sets of data interactively?
Which among the following is used to update all device drivers at the same time?
The_________records the name and exact location of every file on a disk.
Symbols A-F are used in which one of the following ?
The smallest resolvable part of the screen is ____