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The government has recently published 'State Ranking Index for NFSA 2022 - creating resilient food systems to optimize the delivery of benefits'. Odisha has topped in the state ranking for implementation of the National Food Security Act (NFSA) through ration shops, followed by Uttar Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh. TOP THREE STATES Ranking Rank State Index score 1 Odisha 0.836 2 Uttar Pradesh 0.797 3 Andhra Pradesh 0.794 BOTTOM THREE States Delhi 0.658 Chhattisgarh 0.654 Goa 0.631
Falsus in uno falsus in omnibus i.e. false in one thing, false in everything, the said maxim is _______.
Appeals filed before Securities Appellate Tribunal to be disposed within ___________ from the date of receipt of appeal.
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What is the membership requirement for the registration of a Trade Union of workers under the Industrial Relations Code?
Section 13 of Limitation Act 1963 apply in case of
Plaint shall state precisely the amount claimed in all money suits except amount for________
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No association or partnership consisting of more than ________persons shall be formed for the purpose of carrying on any business, unless it is register...
The duties of Designated Partner under the LLP Act are____________
Ambiguous instruments are those instruments which may be construed.