Justice Ranjana Prakash Desai, a former judge of the Supreme Court , has been selected for the post of the Press Council of India (PCI) Chairperson. The post was lying vacant since Justice Chandramauli Kumar Prasad (retd.) completed his term in November last year. Press Council of India Founded: 4 July 1966
Soils with high pH are generally deficient in:
Phenol reacts with zinc dust gives:
Highly boron water has B concentration_____ppm
Which content in potassic fertilizers required for grade?
Irrigation method suitable for maize
Ixora plants are classified into which category ?
Which of the following is a group contact method?
Which of the implementing agency for the Centrally Sponsored Project for Computerization of PACs?
What is the main objective of Pruning?
Reproductive phase of rice begins with