In a significant step toward achieving the ambitious aim of being a Net Zero Carbon Emission Airport by 2030, Indira Gandhi International Airport this month became the first airport in the nation to function fully on hydro and solar electricity. The onsite solar power plants provide about 6% of the electricity needed by the Delhi airport. The airport has chosen to use hydropower from the hydropower plant for the remaining 94 percent of its energy needs, ending its reliance on non-renewable energy DIAL has signed a long-term power purchase agreement (PPA) with a hydropower-producing firm located in Himachal Pradesh for the supply of hydroelectricity for the airport until 2036.
According to Planning commission, Indian region is divided into how many agro climatic zones?
Which of the following bacterial genera is a common cause of soft rot in plants?
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Back hurt and hollow heart in potato occur due to
The Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) was established by which organization?
Which of the following can be used as foliar spray?
the National Academy of Agricultural Research and Management is located at
what is the plant popullation for medium cotton crop?
The relationship between the crop yield and weed competition is:
Which of the following fruit is highly drought tolerant?