The National e-governance service delivery assessment (NeSDA) report 2021 was released on June 13, 2022. NeSDA helps the respective governments improve their delivery of citizen centric services and shares best practices across the country for all States, UTs and Central Ministries to emulate. Top Rankers : Overall, in NeSDA 2021, Kerala had the highest overall compliance score amongst all the States and UTs. Among UTs: Jammu and Kashmir, assessed for the first time in NeSDA 2021, scored highest among all UTs for six sectors. Among North-east and Hill States : Meghalaya and Nagaland are the leading state portals with an overall compliance of 90% across all assessment parameters. Among Remaining State Category: Kerala, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh had a compliance of more than 85% among the remaining state category.
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