Dr Jitendra Singh released the second edition of the National e-Governance Service Delivery Assessment 2021, NeSDA 2021. The report has been prepared covering the assessment of States, UTs, and focuses on Central Ministries on their effectiveness in delivering online services to citizens. The report also provides suggestions for governments to further enhance their e-Governance service delivery systems. Jammu & Kashmir tops among all the Union territories of India in e-Governance services delivery, which has also enabled it to save around Rs 200 crore annually that was incurred in carriage of physical files during the Annual Durbar move between the two capital cities of Jammu and Srinagar. In the Union Territories category, Jammu & Kashmir was assessed for the first time in NeSDA 2021 and scored the highest amongst all UTs for six sectors. Kerala had the highest overall compliance score amongst all the states and UTs. J&K became the first UT in the country to have a Good Governance Index and was also first to launch the District Good Governance Index for 20 Districts of the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir in January this year
As per section 81 of IPC motive should be___________________
Ex officio means_________________
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