Union Home Minister Shri Amit Shah inaugurated SBI Khelo India Youth Games 2021 at Haryana. Haryana is hosting the fourth edition of the Khelo India Youth Games, a state that is the undisputed Sports Capital of the country. The Union government has raised the sports budget from Rs 864 crore in 2014 to Rs 1,992 crore in 2022. KIYG’s popular mascots are Vijaya the Tiger and Jaya the Blackbuck. Haryana’s own mascot is Dhakad the Bull.
Ashtadhyayi, is a Sanskrit treatise on grammar, written in the 6th to 5th century BCE by _________.
NABARD has sanctioned _______ to the Rajasthan government under the Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) for 2023-24.
What is the investment target set for the Uttarakhand Global Investors' Summit, which is scheduled to be held in Dehradun in December?
Following the recent announcement by the Reserve Bank of India, what is the revised Additional Factor of Authentication (AFA) limit for e-mandates on ca...
A tripartite agreement “Manipur super 50” has recently been signed between SBIF, NEIDO and ___?
The Ministry of Defence signed a contract with Chowgule & Company Pvt. Ltd. to procure which type of vehicle for the Indian Coast Guard?
SEBI has revised its framework regarding ‘fit and proper’ criteria for stock exchanges and other market infrastructure institutions, whereby any dir...
Where was the 9th edition of the India International Science Festival inaugurated?
Which city will be hosting the three day “Smart Cities, Smart Urbanization” conference?
What is the name of the Indian mission sent by ISRO to study the Sun?