Chief Justice of India N V Ramana launched FASTER (Fast and Secured Transmission of Electronic Records) — a digital platform to communicate interim orders, stay orders, bail orders etc., of the Supreme Court to authorities concerned through a secured electronic communication channel. The FASTER system is developed by the Registry in collaboration with the National Informatics Centre. To reach all districts of India through this system, so far 73 nodal officers have been nominated at various levels. All nodal officers have been connected through a specific Judicial Communication Network (JCN) by creating a secured pathway. A total of 1,887 e-mail IDs have been created for this system across the country and a FASTER cell has been established in the Registry of the Supreme Court. The cell will transmit digitally signed records of proceedings or orders related to bail and release passed by the court to the nodal officers and duty holders concerned through email.
Which of the following statements is NOT correct in the context of quantity theory of money?
The equilibrium level of income is
For the regression line of y on x, 2x+7y+32=0, find the value of byx.
Consider the following:
Statement 1: There exists an inverse relationship between market rates of interest and price of bond
Statement 2...
Vaccination dose by some individuals benefits the individuals around them by reducing the pace with which the disease spreads. This is an example of whi...
What is the correlation coefficient of the straight line ax+by+c=0 wherein a>0 and b>0
Commodity X and Y have an equal price elasticity of supply. The supply of X rises from 400 units to 500 units due to a 20 percent rise in its price. Cal...
Suppose nominal GDP equals 1,000 units and money supply equals 250 units. Based on the quantity theory of money, the velocity of money equals. Mahalanobis model is – Relevant for Exams: |