As per ACI Worldwide report,India has reported the largest number of worldwide real-time transactions last year at 48 billion. India’s number beat its neighbour China, which logged 18 billion real-time transactions, and was 6.5 times greater than the US, Canada, UK, France and Germany combined. India’s real-time payments share of total global payments volume is forecasted to surge over 70 per cent by 2026, with net savings for businesses and consumers forecast to rise to $92.4 billion.
What will be the speed of petaFLOP Super computer that India is going to launch to enhance weather forcast at block level?
Pushyamitra, who was the commander of Brihadratha, the last Mauryan emperor, killed the king and established a new dynasty. Which of the following was h...
Exhaled air contains-
GOI announced construction of an iconic cable stayed-cum-suspension bridge across which river(Oct)
Which of the following is the correct formula for moment of inertia?
During the rule of which of the following dynasties did Timur or Tamerlane invade India in 1398 AD?
What does ‘P’ denote in PRAN a unique number provided under PFRDA?
_________ article of the Indian constitution provides for the contingency fund of India?
On 22nd January 2021, Indian Government launched a portal named “ShramShakti” to collect data related to migrant workers. Which ministry launched t...
In a molecule of water, the ratio of the mass of hydrogen to that of oxygen is: