SEBI has launched an ideathon in Mumbai to promote innovation, SEBI Chairperson Madhabi Puri Buch said that India is ideally positioned to harness technology in the securities market to give bespoke solutions at a very low cost to individuals across the country. At the start of the ideathon ‘Manthan’ that the implementation of financial technology (FinTech) in the securities market offered tremendous prospects for all parties involved. SEBI, in collaboration with BSE, NSE, NSDL, CDSL, KFintech, CAMS, LinkInTime, and MCX, is hosting a six-week ideathon called Manthan.
'ज्ञानविज्ञान' में समास है
निम्नलिखित में एक स्पर्श व्यंजन है।
लक्षद्वीप की अधिकारिक भाषा कौन सी है ?
'राम बहुत तेज विद्यार्थी है।' इस वाक्य में प्रविशेषण है :
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संधि पूर्ण करें -
____________+ लीन = तल्लीन
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