Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has booked ABG Shipyard for an alleged Rs 22,842-crore financial fraud. This is the biggest bank fraud case ever registered by the CBI. The case pertained to funds gotten and misused during the 2012-17 period. This consortium was led by ICICI Bank of this, ABG Shipyard owes Rs. 7,089 crore to ICICI Bank, Rs. 3,639 crores to IDBI Bank, Rs. 2,925 crores to State Bank, Rs. 1,614 crores to Bank of Baroda, and Rs. 1,244 crore to Punjab National Bank, among others. The Funds given by these banks were used by the executives of ABG Shipyard for purposes other than for which they were given and they were engaged in diversion of funds, misappropriation and criminal breach of trust, as per the report by Ernst & Young.
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International Birds Festival is to be held in Dudhwa National Park. It is in the state of:
Recently Goods and Services Tax network has been included to the account aggregator (AA) network as a financial information provider (FIP) to facilitate...
In Bonds, coupon refers to
Which denomination notes will be introduced as plastic currency in India?
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
1. The NEP 2020 replaces the National Policy on Education of 1986.
2. A committee under ...
Following are the functions of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) except?
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