Axis Bank has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Kolkata Police, offering a package with benefits and features under ''Power Salute'', a salary account designed for the personnel of the force. Under this initiative, Axis Bank will offer personal accidental cover of up to Rs 30 lakh to all police personnel, up to Rs 8 lakh education grant, total permanent disability cover benefit up to Rs 30 lakh, same cover for permanent partial disability and Rs 1.5 lakh life insurance cover and a few other benefits.
How many persons are senior to ASHWANI?
On which of the following floor number does ARUN get in?
In each of the following questions select the related figure from the given alternatives.
Question Figure:
Who among the following lives at the topmost floor?
How many persons completed the training between G and C?
Who among the following person is living on floor number three?
Who lives to the East of the one who likes Orange?
As many persons completed between D and B is same as between H and ___.
Who among the following person completed the training in 2018?
In the given options exam of which two subjects is held on the day that started with the same letter?