Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the Kushinagar International Airport, taking the number of airports handling scheduled passenger flights in Uttar Pradesh to ____.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the Kushinagar International Airport, taking the number of airports handling scheduled passenger flights in Uttar Pradesh to nine. The Rs 260-crore Kushinagar International Airport will facilitate pilgrimage to Lord Buddha's mahaparinirvana sthal of Lord Buddha, thereby boosting the economy of the region.
In the Solow Model, what is the impact of an increase in the savings rate on the steady state level of capital per worker?
If the marginal propensity to save is 0.3 and the marginal propensity to import is 0.1, and the government increases expenditures by Rs. 10 billion, ign...
If the market demand is given by Q=250-50p and supply Q=25p+25 then what is equilibrium price in market
The Coefficient of Alienation can be determined by
Consider an exchange economy with two agents, 1 and 2, and two goods, X and Y. Each agent's consumption set is in +R2. The endowments of agents 1 and 2 ...
If Y = -10X and X = -0.1Y, then r is equal to:
Suppose the regression specification y(hat) = a + βx + l z + ε was estimated as y = 5 + 6x + 7z. We have a new observation for which x = 5 and z = ...
When the value of d=4, in case of Durbin-Watson Test, what should be done with the null hypothesis?
If a government defaults on the value of its debt by 3/4, this is the same as imposing a ____ tax on interest and repayment of the principal.