Jharkhand celebrates its foundation day on November 15. The day holds special significance because it marks the birth anniversary of the tribal leader Birsa Munda, also known as Bhagwan Birsa.
Who among the following sits 3rd to the right of the one who likes pink?
Who among the following likes G?
Who amongst the following teaches Sanskrit?
Which of the following statements is not correct?
Four from the following five are related in a certain way and hence form a group. Find the one who doesn’t belong to that group.
What is the position of A with respect to W?
Who among the following person sits second to the right of M?
Which of the following is not correct regarding S?
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way as per the given arrangement and hence form a group, which one of the following does not belong to...
Who among the following sits second to the left of B?