SEBI recently came up with Saa₹thi mobile app on investor education. The new app aims to empower investors with accurate knowledge about the securities market by catering to individual investors, who have recently entered the markets and carry out trading via their mobile phones.
The rent controller shall execute the order through one of more than one mode:
Ameena is a victim of rape and has suffered injuries, she reaches the hospital nearby and the doctors refuse to take her case. Are the doctors committin...
Which of the following is a valid mode of dissolution of a Partnership?
Under which section of the LLP Act relationship of partners is discussed?
Which courts are authorized to try offences punishable under the MSMED Act?
Section 5 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 __________________
The state shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age:
When principal may revoke agent's authority as per the Contract Act?
Meetings of the Central Board shall be covered____________as per the RBI Act ?
When a suit for compensation has to be filed by A for wrong done to his movable property by B in Calcutta, A and B both reside in Delhi. Where can the p...