The total credit should not be more than Rs 1 lakh in a year in the BSBDA accounts whereas the maximum balance at any point of time should not be more than Rs 50000. The cash withdrawals and transfers in a month should not be more than Rs 10000 in a month. Foreign remittances will not be allowed in such accounts before completing the normal KYC facilities. These accounts are normally valid for 12 months and can be extended for a period of another 12 months in case the account holder submits the proof regarding application for the KYC documents.
(26)2 = {(20% of 40% of 18200) ÷ ?} × 1664 ÷ 128
(30 × 0.80)⁴ ÷ (2160 ÷ 60)⁴ × (54 × 16)⁴ = (6 × 4)?+5
(?)2 = {(26% of 35% of 3000) ÷ 3} × 91
(?) + (35)2 = (140)2 – (80)2 + 20% of 5480
∛157464 =?
1404 ÷ 26 x 3 + 7 = ?2
7292/3 = ?
641.5 + 72 × 8 = ? × 4
((0.1)3+ (1.8)3+ (1.1)3- 0.3 ×1.8 ×1.1)/((0.1)2+ (1.8)2+ (1.1)2- (0.18)- (...
30% of 215 + 135% of ? = 469.5