Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated India's first International Bullion Exchange (IIBX) at Gujarat's GIFT (Gujarat International Finance Tec-City) City in Gandhinagar on July 29, 2022. The India International Bullion Exchange is the third such exchange in the world. The registered jewellers will be able to sell and buy gold and silver in the exchange after registering as a trading partner. The jewelers based out of India will also be able to transact the precious metals through the exchange after registering with the International Financial Services Centre Association (IFSCA). The regulator of IIBX is IFSCA.
All charts are graphs.
Some graphs are data.
Some data are details.
I. Some graphs a...
Statements: All pens are papers.
Some papers are not books.
All books are pencils.
All Books are Pencil.
Some Pencil are Scale.
No Scale is Eraser.
All Pencil can be Eras...
I. Few Organisations are Delegations.
II. Some Selections are Companies.
Statements:All circles are rectangles.
No rectangle is a square.
Conclusions:I. No square is a rectangle.
II. Some rectangles are...
Atmost some circles are spheres
Only a few triangle are circle.
Some triangles are spheres.
No triangle...
Only a few Ear are Eye.
No Eye is a Hand.
Only a few Hand is Leg.
I. All Legs can neve...
Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to be at varianc...
Only wires are switches.
No wire is a board.
Only nuts are boards.
I. All switches a...
Statements:Some combs are boxes.
All boxes are mirrors.
Conclusions:I. Some boxes are combs.
II. Some mirrors are combs.