John Kotter (1996), a Harvard Business School Professor and a renowned change expert, in his book “Leading Change”, introduced 8 Step Model of Change which he developed on the basis of research of 100 organizations which were going through a process of change. The 8 steps in the process of change include: · creating a sense of urgency, · forming powerful guiding coalitions, · developing a vision and a strategy, · communicating the vision, · removing obstacles and empowering employees for action, · creating short-term wins, · consolidating gains and · strengthening change by anchoring change in the culture
Consider the following statements about Mount Vinson:
1. Recently, Kerala government employee Shaikh Hassan Khan has climbed Mount Vi...
Which of the following has become the first public sector bank to go live on Income Tax Department’s new Direct Tax Collection System Tin 2.0?
Stephen Sondheim passed away recently. Who was he?
“AgLive 2023: The Millet Challenge”, a Pitch session for Millets based Startups was orgainsed in?
Which of the followings Indian company is the biggest private airport operator in India?
What is the percent share of Chinese imports has declined in the country’s total inbound shipments in 2021-22?
Who among the following was one of the founders of the Hindustan Republic Association?
The Union Cabinet has approved how much rupees for broadband connectivity in villages under the BharatNet project?
During the 11th India-Italy Military Cooperation Group (MCG) meeting, which vehicle's capabilities were demonstrated by the Indo-Tibetan Border Police (...
Which of the following countries will host the 20th G 20 summit?