Use ‘ are’ instead of ‘is’
Which of the following is the main body of United Nations Organisation?
Section 41 of the Act deals with____.
Where is the headquarters of FSSAI located?
When multiple persons are being tried jointly for the same offense, and one person makes a confession affecting both himself and others, how may the cou...
Who has the authority to declare dividends?
Whether photographed words are considered as documents as per the Indian Evidence Act, 1872?
Where any electronic record, purporting or proved to be ___________ years old, is produced from any custody which the Court in the particular case consi...
Every company shall prepare and keep at its registered office books of account and other relevant books and papers and financial statement for every ___...
In which case did the Court held that when a contract is valid no doubt of it being cancelled arises and when it is void ab initio then also no option ...
How many members can be nominated to represent the Anglo-Indian Community in the Legislative Assemblies in a State?