
In these questions, sentences with four bold words are given. One from four words given in the bold may be either wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word which is wrongly spelt or inappropriate, if any. That word will be your answer. If all words given in the bold are correctly spelt and also appropriate in the context of the sentence, then ‘All Correct’ is your answer.

Just as astronomy offers a way of mapping the visible objects in the universe, gravitational wave astronomy is now a science of the near future whereby black holes, neutron stars and more much objects may be mapped.

A mapping Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
B objects Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
C future Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
D much Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
E All correct Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


Replace much by such. SUCH here indicates “OF THE TYPE PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED” Just as astronomy offers a way of mapping the visible objects in the universe, gravitational wave astronomy is now a science of the near future whereby black holes, neutron stars and more such objects may be mapped.

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