
    The following questions consist of a sentence which is divided into three parts, with grammatical error in one or more than one part of the sentence. If there is an error in any part of the sentence, find the correct alternative to replace that part from the three options given below to make the sentence grammatically correct. if there is an error in any part of the sentence and none of the alternatives is correct to replace that part, then choose ‘None of the A, B and C’ as your answer. If the given sentence is grammatically correct and does not require any correction, choose ‘No correction required’ as your answer.

    Besides tightening the purse strings of States,

    (A)/administrations also witnessed an onslaughter on (B)/the principles of federalism during the pandemic (C). (A) Beside tightening the purse strings of States (B) administrations also witnessed an onslaught on (C) the principles of federalism for the pandemic
    A A Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B B Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C C Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D None of the A, B and C Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E No correction required Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Here, ‘onslaughter’ is the wrong word. The correct word is ‘onslaught’, which means ‘a very powerful attack’. There is another word ‘slaughter’, which means ‘the killing of many people cruelly and unfairly’. This is not appropriate here. Besides tightening the purse strings of States, administrations also witnessed an onslaught on the principles of federalism during the pandemic.

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