Biannually means, occurring twice in one year. Semester exams occur this way as universities have two semesters in one year.
According to RBI, which of the following is considered an “Officially Valid Document” (OVD) for KYC purposes?
DFCCIL received US$ ______ billion for the construction of the Eastern Corridor in 2014.
What is the threshold aggregate annual credit limit for deposit accounts opened using Aadhaar OTP-based e-KYC?
A platform surrounded by rail lines from all the four sides is known as ________________ ?
IRCTC Stands for?
When was the Indian Railways and RailTel Corporation of India Limited incorporated?
Benares and Allahabad were connected in the year:
The idea of a railway to connect Bombay with Thane, Kalyan and with the Thal and Bhore Ghats was first approached by _________________________
Deccan Odyssey is run by which state rail tourism?
The Chittaranjan Locomotive Works factory commenced the production of steam locomotives on: