His new employer gave him some advance with which Sam bought some food and medicines for his mother. He thanked all the three friends and promising to come the next day went back to the other side of the river with the same boatman who had brought him. He was promised a lift by the kind old boatman and Sam being a good boy helped the boatman clean his boat every day.
'तिरछा' किस प्रकार का विशेषण है?
'अग्निशमन' में समास है-
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“अंतर पट खुलना “ इस मुहावरे का सही अर्थ है –
अनुच्छेद ३४४ में किस बात का उल्लेख है
'वाह! वाह!' किस प्रकार का अव्यय है?
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निम्नलिखित विकल्पों में से realize शब्द का पर्याय नहीं होता ...