
    Directions : In each of the questions, a sentence is divided into five parts namely A, B, C, D and E in which one of the parts is given in bold and is grammatically and contextually correct. You have to identify which fragment, apart from the bold one, is correct in terms of grammar and usage.

    The onset off the Second World War (A)/ showed that the

    League (B)/ has failed its primary purpose,(C)/ which was prevent (D)/ any future world war (E).
    A D Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B E Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C A Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D C Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E All are correct Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    The onset of the Second World War showed that the League had failed its primary purpose, which was to prevent any future world war . A- ‘Off’ is an adverb which is inappropriate here and should be replaced with the preposition ‘of’. C - talking about the past, the verb should be in its past form and thus ‘had’ will be used. D - the preposition ‘to’ will be placed to make the sentence meaningful.

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