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Under the leadership of ICAR, ‘HD’ series of wheat varieties were developed by IARI, New Delhi. The ‘HD’ series of wheat varieties now covers nearly 140 lakh hectare area out of 317 lakh hectare of wheat growing area in the country. Per hectare productivity of wheat has now sky-rocketed to 3,424 kg, which was just 669 kg during 1946-47. The nation harvested a record 110 million tonnes of wheat during 2020-21.
choose the option which represents a pair of either synonyms or antonyms.
Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
In each of the following questions, three out of four words given have the same meaning. Mark the number as your answer which is different in meaning f...
Select the option whose spelling is incorrect.
His new book is a big hit; it’s really taken off.
What is the synonym for the word "avarice"?
His courageous actions saved many lives.