Total production of Rice during 2020-21 is estimated at a record 122.27 million tonnes . It is higher by 9.83 million tonnes than the last 5 years’ average production of 112.44 MT. Production of Wheat during 2020-21 is estimated at a record 109.52 million tonnes . It is higher by 9.10 million tonnes than the average wheat production of 100.42 MT. Total Pulses production during 2020-21 is estimated at 25.72 million tonnes which is higher by 3.73 million tonnes than the last five years’ average production of 21.99 MT. Total Oilseeds production in the country during 2020-21 is estimated at record 36.10 million tonnes which is 2.88 MT more than the production of 33.22 MT during 2019-20.
Statement: L ≥ X ≤ Z > Y ≤ A, Y = B ≥ C
Conclusion: I. C > A II. A ≥ C
...Statements: P # B, Q $ B, B @ J, J % F
Conclusions: I. F # B II. F @ B ...
In the question, assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the conclusion (s) among given three conclusions is/are definitely true and the...
Statements: Z ≤ B = G; I > U; I < W < G; Z ≤ X < S
I. Z < W
II. U < B
III. X > I
Statements: R % U, U # V, V @ C, C * F
Conclusions :
I. F $ V
II. C % U
III. R % F
IV. U...
Statements: A % B & G % B; B # L & J; J @ K # S
I. L @ K
II. A % K
III. S @ B
...In the question, assume the given statements to be true. Find which of the following conclusion(s) among the three conclusions is/ are definitely true ...
Statements: L ≤ Y = T ≤ S; S = F ≤ U; K > N = U
I. K > T
II. U ≥ L
...In the question, assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the conclusion (s) among given two conclusions is/are definitely true and then ...
Statement: J > K ≥ C = D ≤ Y < Z
I. Z > C
II. J ≥ Y
III. J > D
IV. C > Z