UJALA scheme was launched by PM Narendra Modi on 1st May 2015 under the government of India. The Ujala Scheme was established by replacing the Bachat Lamp Yojana is a joint initiative of Public Sector Undertaking of the Government of India, Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) under the Union Ministry of Power and the Electricity Distribution Company.
26, 38, 60, 110, 206, 398
2, 4, 16, 48, 240, 1440, 10080
1152 3456 432 1296 164 486
13 74 355 1416 4245
164, 141, 122, 105, 92, 80
12, 18, 40, 90, 270, 945
97, 98, 107, 132, 181, 264
11 9 20 18 37 36
...8 12 21 36 62 98
420, 380, 340, 300, 280, 220, 180