The correct answer is B
The 'Painjani' is classified as which type of musical instrument?
The Home Minister in India is the NITI Aayog’s?
The Third Sangam, a historical Tamil academy, was primarily conducted in which city?
NHIDCL signed an agreement with IL&FS for Zojila tunnel project, which will be the longest bi-directional tunnel of Asia. This tunnel is in the state of:
Where is the World Economic Forum headquartered?
Match the following:
A) BIS P) Washington DC
B) IMF Q) Rome
Who among the following inaugurated an advanced electronic surveillance system along the 61-km India-Bangladesh border in Dhubri district of Assam in 2019?
The Government of India launched the PRASAD (Pilgrimage Rejuvenation And Spiritual Augmentation Drive) scheme in the year ____ under the Ministry of Tou...
When was the Biological Diversity (BD) Act enacted in India?
How much did Union Bank of India commit to measure in terms of financed emissions through its signing of the PCAF in 2024?