At the most basic level, Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI) is the creation of still or animated visual content with computer software. CGI most commonly refers to the 3D computer graphics used to create characters, scenes and special effects in films, television and games. The technology is also used in everything from advertising, architecture, engineering, virtual reality and even art.
If HCF of two numbers is 11 then which of the following can never be their LCM?
How many factors does the number 675 have in total?
The HCF of two numbers is 6 and their LCM is 84. If one of these numbers is 42, then the second number is:
From a point on circular track 20 km long P, Q and R started running in the same direction at the same time with speed of 4 km per hour, 2 km per hour, ...
Three boys step off together from the same spot. Their steps measure 64 cm, 80 cm and 88 cm respectively. The minimum distance each should cover so that...
Find the smallest multiple of 10 that, when divided by 4, 6, and 9, leaves a remainder of 4 in each case.