The correct answer is C
In a company, there are either male or female employees. There are x% male employees in the company. The number of female employees that are skilled are...
A person saves 20% of his monthly income. If his monthly is increased by 35% and he still saves the same amount as before then find percentage increase ...
0.5 is what percentage of 20?
Monthly income of P is Rs.15000 and his monthly savings is Rs.9600. If his monthly income is decreased by 35% and monthly expenditure is decreased by 25...
In a city, the number of persons travelling by bike is 52.5% the number of persons travelling by metro. The number of persons travelling on foot is 60% ...
P spends 26% of his salary on transportation, 24% on food, 22% on children’s education and 19% on medical. He deposits the remaining amount of Rs....
In a village 80% of votes were cast in an election. A and B were the contestants. A won by 800 votes. If B had got 20% more votes, there would have been...
Total number of students in a class is 1920, and the ratio of number of boys to girls is 7:9. If the number of boys and girls is increased by a% and (a ...
The income of 'B' exceeds 'A's income by 15%, and they spend in the ratio of 5:6, respectively. The income of 'A' surpasses 'B's expenditure by Rs. 1,00...
The only expenses of Arun are on grocery, rent and fun expenses. Arun spent Rs. 4,250 on fun, amount spent by him on rent is Rs. 9,000 more than that on...