Metaphase - The stage of mitosis during which the chromosomes line up along the equator of the cell.
The marked price of a dishwasher is set 25% higher than its cost price. The seller then applies two successive discounts, first 15% and then an addition...
A man lost one-fourth of his initial amount in the gambling after playing three rounds. The rule of Gambling is that if he wins he will receive Rs. 1000...
A merchant sells two items, 'X' and 'Y'. The cost price ratio of item 'X' to item 'Y' is '3:5'. The profit earned on selling item 'X' is 35%, while on i...
A trader bought an article for Rs. 1600 and marked it 25% above of its cost price. If he sold it after giving a discount of Rs. 160 then find the profit...
A retailer added a 25% markup to the cost price of an item and then offered a 10% discount on the marked price before selling it for Rs. 270. Calculate ...
The marked price of an article is Rs. 130 more than its cost price. The article is sold at 50% discount such that the seller earns a profit of Rs. 25. F...
A shopkeeper purchased an article for Rs. ‘a’ and marked it 150% above its cost price and sold it after giving two successive discounts of 300 and 2...
Gita purchased 4 mobiles, 16 watches, and 8 tablets for Rs. 320, Rs. 960, and Rs. 480, respectively, from a seller. By selling each mobile and each watc...
An article with cost price of Rs. 1600 is marked 44% above its cost price and sold after two successive discounts of 13% and Rs. ‘X’ respectively su...
On a certain item profit is 150%. If the cost price increases by 25% what will be the new profit margin (in %)?