The average DM (Dry matter) requirement of desi cow is 2 (dry) to 2.5 (lactating) Kg. / 100 Kg. body weight / day while it is 2.5 (dry) to 3.0 Kg. (lactating) in cross breed cows and buffaloes.
(1.69) -1.5 = ?
If (7/5)4 x (7/5)6 = (7/5)(2x+2) then x is equal to
If 2x = 3y = 6-z, then (1/x) + (1/y) + (1/z) =?
The value of ‘x’ in the given below equation is.
0.5 ̅ + 0.7 ̅ + 0.9 ̅ + 0.3 ̅ = x
Find the value of 56× 59÷ 514= ?
If (15000) 4 = 50.625
The value of ((1024)n/5× 42n+1)/( 16n × 4n-1)
(0.04)-2.5= ?