Orange certificate is issued when a sample is drawn officially from the lot under the authority of a memberstation. The lot is sealed, labelled and tested for seed quality attributes by the same memberstation. Whereas Green certificate is issued when sample is drawn officially from the lot under the authority of a member station and testing for seed quality attributes is done in another country by a member station
Three of the following four options are alike in a certain way based on the Alphabetical series. Which one among the following doesn’t belong to the g...
The columns and rows of Matrix I are numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II are numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices can be represente...
Six people are sitting in two parallel rows with 3 people each, in such a way that there is equal distance between adjacent persons. PY, OY and TY are s...
Taka : Bangladesh :: Lira : ?
Find the odd one out.
Find the odd one out.
No kite is a thread.
A few threads are needles.
Only needles are sticks.
I. A few threads may be sticks.
II. No kite is a needle.
'A & B’ means ‘A is the sister of B’.
‘A – B’ means ‘A is the mother of B’.
‘A × B’ means ‘A is the husband of B’...
Select the letter cluster from among the given option that can replace the question mark (?) in the following series.
What is the total distance between point X and point T?