संविधान के अनुच्छेद 344 के खंड (4) में किये गए प्रावधान के अनुसार सितंबर 1957 में 30 सदस्यों (20 लोकसभा और 10 राज्य सभा से ) की संसदीय समिति गठित की गई जिसे राजभाषा आयोग की सिफारिशों की समीक्षा करके उन पर अपनी राय का प्रतिवेदन राष्ट्रपति को प्रस्तुत करना था ।तदनुसार तत्कालीन गृहमंत्री श्री गोविंद बल्लभ पंत की अध्यक्षता में समिति ने व्यापक विचार विमर्श के पश्चात 8 फरवरी 1959 को राष्ट्रपति को अपना प्रतिवेदन प्रस्तुत किया ।
Read the given sentence to find out whether there are any grammatical/ contextual errors in them. The errors, if any, will be in two of the parts of th...
Identify the segment in the sentence that contains a grammatical error.
Let me know if you need/ a further information about the programme / that...
In the question given below, a sentence is given, divided into parts. One of the parts may contain an error. Identify the part that contains the error,...
Recently a number of (1)/ policemen was sentenced (2)/ to death for their complicity (3)/ in the murder (4)/ No error (5)
The Police has arrested the accused, (A) / but my mentor and boss cleared the air (B) / and tried to get the accused released, (C) / thus earning them p...
The lemons in our neighbor’s garden hanged invitingly, and they took me back to those lazy summer afternoons where we would squander them away...
Indore retained its prominence even in the 20th Century due to its association with four prominent musicians linked with the city.
The sentence below has been divided into three parts. Select the part of the sentence that has an error. If the sentence has no error, select the option...
The court has reiterated that the (A) / grant of a certificate by the (B) / CBFC denudes the state of the power (C) / to prevent the exhibit of a film....
Mischief are sure to (1)/crop up, in one form (2)/or another, among (3)/the idle and ambitionless (4).