प्रबोध परीक्षा पास प्रशिक्षार्थी अथवा ऐसे सभी कर्मचारी/अधिकारी जिनका हिंदी का ज्ञान आठवीं स्तर तक का नहीं है और जिनकी मातृभाषा मराठी, गुजराती, बंगला, असमिया, उडि़या, नेपाली, कोंकणी, बोडो, संथाली है ।
Which one of the following is an insect?
Mechanical manipulation of soil with the help of tools and implements is called as ___
Following are the statements about common feature of drought avoidance in plants
A. Early stomata closure
B. Efficient root system
<...Which of the following is NOT an element of the marketing mix?
In India, field experiments on water management falls in____________ approach
Which type of soil is found along the canal bank?
Rabi marketing season typically occurs from
In electron transport system, ____ is the terminal electron acceptor.
Dapog method of raising seedlings is related to
The lime loving plants are tolerant of high soil pH and are known as