
दिए गए विकल्पों में से वह वाक्य चुने जो प्रश्न में दिए गए वाक्य का उचित अनुवाद नहीं है-

हवा के माध्यम से वायरस के संचरण और विभिन्न सतहों पर इसके जीवित रहने के झूठे दावों ने दहशत पैदा कर दी।

A Fake claims of transmission of the virus through the air and its survivability on various surfaces created panic. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
B False claims of transmission of the virus through the air and its survivability on various surfaces created panic. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
C Mendacious claims of transmission of the virus through the air and its survivability on various surfaces created panic. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
D Veracious claims of transmit of the virus through the air and its survivability on various surfaces created panic. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
E इनमे से कोई नहींi Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


Veracious - सच्चा,सत्यप्रिय

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