
मानव समाज में निरंतर होने वाले परिवर्तनों और ज्ञान- भंडार में वृद्धि के कारण सामाजिक सरोकारों में विविधता आई है।

A Due to changes in human society and increase in knowledge-store, social concerns have diversified. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
B Due to continuous changes in human society and increase in knowledge-store, social interests have diversified. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
C Due to continuous changes in society and knowledge-store, social concerns have diversified. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
D Due to continuous changes in human society and increase in knowledge-store, social concerns have narrowed. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


निरंतर – continuous ज्ञान- भंडार - knowledge-store विविधता आई है - have diversified

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