Selection of 4 boys from 6 boys = 6C4 = 6!/(4! ×2!) = 15 Selection of 3 girls from 6 girls = 6C3 = 6!/(3! ×3!) = 5 Required number of ways = 15 × 5 = 75
Which component is used to store electric charge in an electronic circuit?
Which type of routing is manually configured by a network administrator and does not change auAtomatically?
What is the purpose of analyzing the complexity of an algorithm?
Accessing top element of stack without deleting it ?
What is the full form of GPRS?
In dynamic programming, what is the purpose of the "bottom-up" approach?
What is virtual memory in an operating system?
Which is not in relation to the database.
Which of the following is an example of an ADT for storing data?
In UML diagram of a class