Some vessels are jars (I) + All jars are containers (A) = Some vessels are containers (I). ⇒ conversion ⇒ Some containers are vessels (I). Hence, conclusion I will not follow. All cans are vessels = (A) ⇒ conversion ⇒ Some vessels are cans (I). Hence, conclusion II will follow. Some containers are drums (I) ⇒ Probable conclusion ⇒ All drums may be containers (A). Hence, conclusion III will also follow. I + A = I, I + I = No conclusion. Hence, conclusion IV will not follow. Alternate method -
How many boxes are placed between Box A and Box B?
How many tests are scheduled between tests of Q and T?
Who lives on 4TH floor?
Identify the figure that completes the pattern.
Who attends seminar in morning on Tuesday?
Who among the following sits exactly between the one who likes Relaxo and T?
How many floors are there between Friend of P and the person who lives on the second floor of the building?
Who among the following person is the GM?
Who among the following persons attend the marriage on odd numbered date?
The number of persons sit between A and B is same as the number of persons sit between Q and ____?