DRUM –AOVI VARY – UBOU Then, AUTO – BVOP Every vowel is coded as next consonant and every consonants is coded as previous vowel.
If in the word ‘ SHORTCUT ’ first three and then next three letters are written in reverse order and the rest of the letters are written as they app...
In the given arrangement, how many prime numbers are between 11 th element from the left end and 6 th element from the right end?
Select the combination of numbers that when placed sequentially in the blanks of the given series will complete the series.
p q _ s _ u v ...
Which of the following chips is powered by a battery?
In computer storage media, WORM is a data storage technology that allows information to be written to a disc a single time and prevents the drive from e...
Which element is 7th to the right of 10th symbol from the right end?
Which of the following element is exactly in the middle of third element from the right end and the tenth element from the left end of the arrangement?
If R = 9 and RAT = 42, Then ' STAR ' = ?
In the word ‘FABRICATION’, first all the opposites of each letter are written, then all the letters formed are written in an alphabetical order ...
If all the even numbers are dropped from the above given arrangement then which is the 6th element to the left of the 4th element from the right end?