
(140/3)% of the raindrops could have been collected, when 6 cm of rain has fallen on a part of land of area 2 km2, in a tank having a 200 m × 10 m base, then water collected in the tank is 70% of its capacity. Find the capacity of the tank? 

A 232500 m³ Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
B 115200 m³ Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
C 115000 m³ Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
D 87500 m³ Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
E 160000 m³ Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


The volume of rain water in the land which could have been collected and the volume of water in the tank should be equal . Let, level of water in the tank is h meter. According to the question, ⇒ 6/100 × 2000 × 2000 × 140/300 = 200 × 10 × h ⇒ h = 56 m Volume of water in the tank = 200m × 10m × 56m = 112000 m3 Since, water in the tank is 70% of its capacity. So, capacity of tank = (112000/70) × 100 = 160000 m3

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