
As per section 9 of the Limitation Act what happens to the limitation period once it has started running?

A It stops upon any subsequent disability or inability to file a suit or make an application Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
B It continues to run despite any subsequent disability or inability to file a suit or make an application Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
C It restarts upon any subsequent disability or inability to file a suit or make an application Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
D It gets extended for a certain period upon any subsequent disability or inability to file a suit or make an application Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
E It terminates upon any subsequent disability or inability to file a suit or make an application Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


Section 9. Continuous running of time: Where once time has begun to run, no subsequent disability or inability to institute a suit or make an application stops it: Provided that where letters of administration to the estate of a creditor have been granted to his debtor, the running of the period of limitation for a suit to recover the debt shall be suspended while the administration continues.

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